Breathe new life into your website with WebIntegrity.
Immersive monitoring. Realtime user interaction. Up to 10,000 simultaneous
website visitors.
Ignite your sales like NEVER before.

Engage Intelligently.
WebIntegrity isn't simply a game changer. It shifts the entire paradigm, fundamentally transforming your website into a truly interactive experience.
Analytics can show you yesterday. It's a priceless tool in refining your website - but realtime interaction changes your TODAY.
WebIntegrity enables you to engage with the customer in an intelligent way to influence and improve sales, based on observations of the visitor's activity.
Our platform enables you to actually watch your website visitors' browser as they move the mouse, as they scroll up and down your pages, and as they navigate from page to page.
Imagine having the knowledge and understanding of how visitors interact with your site - from the specific items they're browsing in your catalog, to the content they're consuming - allowing you to better understand exactly what it is that's influencing their purchase decisions.
Properly used, WebIntegrity is a priceless tool which directly impacts your bottom line.

It doesn't get any simpler.
- Step 1: Sign up for one of our subscription plans.
- Step 2: Add one line of JavaScript to each webpage.
- Step 3: Log in and start tracking visitors in real time!

Seeing is believing.
We get it. It sounds too good to be true, right?
Brace yourself.
Click below for a Live Demo. It will log you into the WebIntegrity system, seeing precisely what you would see as a WebIntegrity customer… and showing you all the current users on THIS website. Right now.
See if you can find your session! See what you would see as the website administrator!
See Our Live DemoRealtime Everything.
At WebIntegrity, we are redefining what a webserver does.
For us, a website is a business. It's no longer just an online brochure or catalog that you put up for your customers.
There's a reason brick-and-mortar businesses have sales clerks who interact with customers and assist them in the store.
We help to make your website more like a REAL business and less like a product brochure, allowing you to position your products and services for better visibility within your site.
This is "Merchandising 101" for the web, and the first step is understanding how your customers navigate through your store.
Learn More
Pricing for everyone
This plan includes
- Up to 15,000 monthly visitors
- 1 domain
- Access to all features
This plan includes
- Up to 30,000 monthly visitors
- 1 domain
- Access to all features
This plan includes
- Up to 50,000 monthly visitors
- 1 domain
- Access to all features
Looking for higher traffic plans? Contact Us.
Frequently Asked Questions
How difficult is this to implement?
Simply insert one line of code into the <head> section of each website page you want to view:
<script src=""></script>It really IS that easy!
Does this service get enabled on EVERY page of my website?
The service is ONLY enabled on the specific pages in which you insert the code to enable it.
Do I have to enable the user-side chat service?
No. An option is provided to turn this feature ON or OFF, or set it on a specific schedule. Moreover, you can set the client-originated chat to OFF and still be able to originate a chat session from the administrative side ONLY.
Does this service enable me to see my website visitors after they leave my page and go to other sites?
No. This ONLY tracks activity on YOUR site – and even then, ONLY on the specific pages in which the code has been inserted.
What about privacy issues?
Session recordings (mouse movement, scrolling, and page transition activity) are completely anonymous and do not disclose the identity of the website visitor. Moreover, sessions are ONLY recorded and/or displayed IF the website visitor has agreed to the Privacy and Data Use Notice which is prominently displayed when the visitor first connects to your website. If the website visitor has declined the Privacy and Data Use Notice, the window will simply show "Visitor declined monitoring."
How long are session recordings retained?
Session recordings (mouse movement, scrolling, and page transition activity) are retained for a period of 30 days. Beyond 30 days, only the page visit numbers and times are retained to facilitate historical usage reports in aggregate (number of visits per page, average time on page, average page load times, etc). Session recording data is big – especially when a website has a large number of visitors – and we feel 30 days should provide plenty of time should the need arise for review.
The WebIntegrity service only shows 100 screens. How can you claim to monitor up to 10,000 simultaneous website visitors?
You can create subaccounts (ancillary userid/password logins) to view your account. Each of those logins can see up to 100 website visitors at one time. For example, [email protected] might be allowed to see visitors 1-100, while [email protected] might be allowed to see visitors 101-200, and [email protected] might be authorized for visitors 201-300 (or 1-30, 31-60, and 61-90, respectively). You can allocate these sessions as you see fit, potentially allowing hundreds upon hundreds of staff on countless hundreds of workstations to monitor and chat with hundreds of thousands of website visitors at once.
The WebIntegrity service shows mapped locations of my visitors in open fields. This isn’t the location of my website visitor.
WebIntegrity is intended to show the CITY (sometimes the general AREA of a larger city) in which the website visitor is located – but never the specific address. This is so that you can see the general areas of the country (or state) from which your traffic is originating, because from this you can calculate the return and effectiveness of advertising campaigns in specific geographic areas.